Darrell Proctor of Power Magazine writes about the Ways2H and Local Power partnership to integrate onsite renewable hydrogen into the mix for community microgrids.
Group Integrating Hydrogen Into Community Microgrids
By Darrell Proctor for Power Magazine | September 15, 2020
Another California company, Long Beach-based Ways2H, last month announced a partnership with municipal energy consultancy Local Power to integrate onsite renewable hydrogen into the mix for community microgrids. The move reflects an evolution of Local Power’s Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) blueprint for community-based microgrids, including solar with storage, and now adding hydrogen derived from a community’s post-consumer waste.
Ways2H, a joint venture between U.S.-based Clean Energy Enterprises and Japan Blue Energy Corp., in June announced an initiative to build a modular waste-to-hydrogen facility in California.
“Our goal is to help local governments build affordable renewable energy microgrids to power their communities and critical infrastructure, from hospitals to schools, energy-critical businesses and resilience hubs for residents regardless of utility blackouts,” said Paul Fenn, Local Power’s founder and president. Fenn developed the CCA model being used in more U.S. communities, along with municipal Green Bond financing, which has become a trillion-dollar global industry. “We’re tying together key components of the climate problem—energy, decarbonization and resiliency—and removing grid barriers to deployment of local energy generation.”
The Ways2H announcement came just weeks after a group of European countries launched the world’s first integrated hydrogen power-to-power demonstration, a four-year project at a site in France.
To read Darrell Proctor’s full article, please visit: